
Kate Avatar Image
June 20, 2020

  Do you find that in dating, and in your relationships – you are always the one who makes it happen – makes arrangements, suggests dates, moves things forward, texts first and is the one GIVING all of the time..? Do you feel angry, resentful and rejected when the man you are dating doesn’t make you and...

Kate Avatar Image
June 18, 2020

Do you repeatedly attract broken men?   Addicts, victims, men with trauma and who are just ‘having a bad time’ right now? These men DO NOT MAKE GOOD PARTNERS They are often players, commitment-phobic, peter pan types who are in a state of constant ‘confusion’ about you, the relationship and where things are going It’s...

Kate Avatar Image
June 15, 2020

Feeling frustrated about how much effort and work and love and attention that you GIVE him and yet still, he ignores you? Feel as if no matter how hard you try, you just can’t get what you need from him? Do you find that especially with men that you REALLY like, he just has his...

Kate Avatar Image
June 11, 2020

  Right now is a time of HUGE UNCERTAINTY – RIGHT?   The most difficult part about that is the feeling of WAITING For most of my clients, they already feel as if they have been waiting their whole lives WAITING to find someone that you actually feel attracted to, and then.. WAITING for him...

Kate Avatar Image
June 9, 2020

This  is going to lay something out that is so SIMPLE and so OBVIOUS, but yet the thing that most women that I speak with ARE MISSING as to why they get SO STUCK in their love lives, and somehow just end up SINGLE again and again.. They get on a free call with me...

Kate Avatar Image
June 2, 2020

From today the Government has placed a ban on anyone from different households having sex. This has been coined as an #sexban by Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain today, who pointed out that it is likely that Dominic Cummings will ‘find a way around it’. Lol. Agreeing with Piers is something I seem to...

Kate Avatar Image
May 29, 2020

Every Woman that comes to me for help has a BLIND SPOT when it comes to love It is often the same thing – on repeat, throughout her life It is the ONE thing that causes her to be REJECTED, ABANDONED & TO END UP SINGLE AGAIN & AGAIN OR, to pick, invest in and stay in...

Kate Avatar Image
May 18, 2020

LADIES! I owe you a HUGE apology. I was just doing a client review of what’s happened in the last six months. In just that short span of time, I have helped almost all of my clients to: STOP Attracting men who lie, cheat, and cannot commit. Get back in control of their love lives...