
Kate Avatar Image
December 8, 2020

It amazes me how many women book a FREE call with us, and get so close to the SOLUTION and then..   They GO GHOST How funny? Why would they do that? Because everything that shows up in your life is a MIRROR of what is really going on inside of you So, if you...

Kate Avatar Image
November 10, 2020

What is THE SECRET to finding and keeping a loving, happy relationship with a man that you actually want to be with, and who also wants to BE WITH YOU!?   Well, the first step is to find out what ISN’T WORKING in your dating and relationship life And this thing will be totally unique...

Kate Avatar Image
November 4, 2020

Right now is a time of HUGE UNCERTAINTY – RIGHT? The most difficult part about that is the feeling of WAITING For most of my clients, they already feel as if they have been waiting their whole lives   WAITING to find someone that you actually feel attracted to, and then.. WAITING for him to...

Kate Avatar Image
October 27, 2020

So  – this is the big QUESTION right – the one that has about 1000 different answers when you google it, or go online and start watching YouTube videos…   WHEN SHOULD YOU GET PHYSICAL? DATE 2, OR IS IT 4? When should you become exclusive? Should you ask, or let him ask first?  ...

Kate Avatar Image
October 8, 2020

If you have never actually had a real relationship, and deep down you feel terrified that there is something wrong with you – then this is for you!   By real relationship, I am talking about a fully committed, long term (1 year or more) emotionally AND physically intimate partnership – where you live together and...

Kate Avatar Image
October 6, 2020

At Love Rewired we work with women in all kinds of relationship ‘situations’ What is yours currently?   In over 10 years of studying men and women, and learning what creates REAL commitment, one of the biggest challenges that women who come to me face is not understanding how to read a man’s commitment level.....